Sunday, July 3, 2011

Baby Blankets

I can make these to order and they are so cute this only took me two days. I made this one for my Sister she is having a boy and they were doing monkeys for the theme. Im charging $25.00 depending on if it needs to be shipped then we will figure it out :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Coming soon !

Okay so this week Im so excited!
Im going to go shopping for my first fabric
so I need to know what everyone would buy.
Give me your input please.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spider Daisy's

These are $2 .00
Colors are:
Light blue
Dark red
Lime Green
Dark Green
Light Pink

Felt head pieces

Yes I said Felt :) They are super cute, and because they are felt you can do any colors these are just a few that I have done I think I like the flower ones the best but I can do whatever really :) These are $1.50


These are all the colors that I have in the Bows for now. They are $2 .00 the Leopard one is on sale for a $1 .00 because it didnt turn out as good, but still cute.

Head Bands

Hi everyone its finally up I'll get more pictures up here this week. These are the Head bands that I have. They are $1.50 each. Here are the colors from top left to right:
Bright Pink,Lime Green,Light Pink,Off White,Yellow,White,Lavender
Bottom left to right: Pastel strips, Black,Purple, Brown, Red, Orange